Latest Letterboxd Reviews
Nickel Boys, 2024 - ★★★★★
Again, truly transcendent filmmaking. Don't f*uck with Ramell Ross.
4.8 / 5
Punch-Drunk Love, 2002 - ★★★★½
Quick reminder that PTA is such a unique directorial voice that we should NEVER take for granted. How the hell does he come up with this?
Still Sandler's best performance.
4.7 / 5
Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992 - ★★★
Wish I liked this a bit more. More or less a verbal jerk-off sesh of desparate salesmen who stop at nothing to close. The ambiguous missing leads mystery keeps it interesting and Jack Lemmon absolutely destroys, but... this was kind of a lot for nothing??
Shout-out to Wayne Shorter though
3.1 / 5
I'm Still Here, 2024 - ★★★½
I get it now. This is heavy. An understated, no-frills and quite moving true story about the perserverance of motherhood and effects of deep political corruption under dictatorship in Brazil. More people need to know about this 🇧🇷
All aboard the Fernanda legacy train 🚆
3.7 / 5
Evil Does Not Exist, 2023 - ★★★★½ (contains spoilers)
This review may contain spoilers.
"That's got nothing to do with taste." Should be the glamping dude's epitaph tbh
This movie is just too good man.
Memoir of a Snail, 2024 - ★★★★
"Life is to be understood backwards, but we must continue to live it forwards"
Heavy. This film's humor elevates it and in turn avoids melodrama given the characters' constant unfortunate circumstances. Truly a cathartic peice of work.
God bless those with the curse that life seems to bestow upon them. It's all gonna be ok 🐌
Also, the apple is the origin of Sin, so joke's on you, RUTH.
4.3 / 5
Burning, 2018 - ★★★★
I don't think there's been a film that has challenged me more than this one. Even on a rewatch, it is difficult to unpack it's deep layers of symbolism through its equally deeply subtle narrative approach and storytelling, but once it ends (and wow what an ending), it forces you to reflect on what it all means. The characters intentions, what they represent societaly, what they think is the "truth" or lack thereof. Its spellbounding, yet frustrating.
A lot of people declare this a masterpiece. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer to understanding it. Maybe I never will; some things just don't click, and that's ok.
That Miles needle drop though, holllly shit.
4.2 / 5
The Apprentice, 2024 - ★★★★
Brave. Brave filmmaking. Bravery in the performances. And bravery in what it's exposing. Watch this to get an education.
Grats on your Oscar noms boys.
3.8 / 5
Blue Velvet, 1986 - ★★★★½
Ok what in the sam goody two-shoes Hell have I been missing
My first Lynch, there I said it. Seems like a perfect introduction. I was absolutely hooked not even 5 minutes in, and if only I knew where it went.
4.7 / 5
The Brutalist, 2024 - ★★★★★
Show of hands of peeps who think Part 2 matches, if not exceeds, Part 1?
Just me? Aight ima chill.
Still perfect, we don't deserve it.
5 / 5 ⭐️
Hit Man, 2023 - ★★★½
First log of 2025!
This was fun! Generally enjoyable and an easy watch. Mostly a fine showcase for Glen Powell's versatility and charm, and based on his layered (but not as deep as it could have been) performance here I feel like he just may be getting started (or maybe I've been out of the loop i can't tell)
And yes I feel like this would play much better to a crowd. Thanks Netflix 👏👏👏
3.7 / 5
A Complete Unknown, 2024 - ★★★★
Timmy, you got me convinced. Bravo 👏
Solid, albiet a bit meandering.
I went to college with the guy who plays Johnny Cash's drummer and I'm freakin out a bit lmao
3.9 / 5
Slums of Beverly Hills, 1998 - ★★★★
Watched this with my Mom, and she excused herself from the room to make french toast bake during "those" scenes. Thank you Mom haha
4 / 5
Eyes Wide Shut, 1999 - ★★★★½
And the Xmas tradition continues! 🎄
Normalize "this [____] is making you aggressive"
4.6 / 5
Anora, 2024 - ★★★★½ (contains spoilers)
This review may contain spoilers.
Bro for all we know Garnick is DEAD on the couch of the annulment office in Vegas God bless that motherfucker
Baker, what a statement.
4.6 / 5
Kneecap, 2024 - ★★★½
Gonna be honest, I had little to no knowledge of the native Irish language before watching this, and I feel like I've missed out on something pretty vital.
Kneecap is a wirey piece of filmmaking, full of maximalist editing choices, fourth wall breaks and unique post-production ploys that give it character akin to the films of Guy Richie. It's also full of more understated comedic/dramatic segments that somewhat balance things out, but not entirely. Its inconsistency and rapid pace made it take me a while to lock into this, but once I did, I had a good time!
Nevertheless, it is absolutely an important story worth telling, for both native Irish speakers and those on the outside looking in. Oh, and the songs are pretty damn good?
3.3 / 5
Queer, 2024 - ★★★★
Queer is strange, idiosyncratic, bold, and at times quite abstract; sometimes necessary, sometimes not, but maybe that's because I didn't fully get it? Nevertheless, I loved the bravery and honesty of Luca's vibrant filmmaking as always.
Daniel Craig is a freaking chameleon. He embodies such physical confidence and charisma, only to mask the deep insecurity and melancholy under the spell of unrequited love.
Lesley Manville what the hell lol r u ok
3.8 / 5